For alternative formats of the application form, please contact the Talking Books Manager at 630-BOOK. Ordering Materials. The  If you would like to apply for the Talking Book program, please complete and print the Talking Book Service Application form, ask a certifying authority to complete  Apply for Library Services. Digital talking book player and talking books on shelf. If you live in Florida and have trouble reading print as the result of an eye  Talking books and/or magazines. Braille books and/or magazines.

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With the cooperation of authors and publishers, books and magazines are produced in audio and Braille formats. The library lends these as well as large print books. Applications may also be obtained from local public libraries or by calling the South Carolina State Library at 1 (800) 922-7818 or (803) 734-4611 (in Columbia). We contact applicants when completed applications are received. For individuals who wish to apply, please complete the Individual Talking Book Services Application.

For more information about the talking book service, such as how to return books, when to expect books, how to get the kind of books you like, and more, see our FAQs Talking Books are on digital cartridges. Catalogs are in large print.

Talking books application

have prescription glasses, yet are unable to read standard print material without additional magnification devices; 3.

You may return it postage free by mail by writing “Free Matter for the Blind and Physically Handicapped” where a stamp normally is placed. We accept mailed, faxed The Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library works with the Utah State Library to provide Braille books to our users. No Braille is housed at our library. The loan period for Braille is up to 8 weeks, and the turnaround time is generally about 5-7 days. Application for Free Library Service - INSTITUTIONS. For more information about the talking book service, such as how to return books, when to expect books, how to get the kind of books you like, and more, see our FAQs Talking Books are on digital cartridges. Catalogs are in large print.
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Instructions for iOS (Apple) and Android apps for the BARD program available on National. To apply for services, complete and submit this Application for Services form. Equipment. Audio books and materials can be listened to on a variety of players,   How do I apply for this program? If you or someone you know is interested in receiving talking books or braille service, please take the following steps: Carefully  The proposed "Talking Book" improves the blind users' ability to read digital daisy books.

A. Do not select books Talking Book and Braille Service Application Information. All applications should be sent to the Nebraska Talking Book and Braille Service.
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Applicant Information (Please Print or Type) For children under 18 years of age, please use the youth application form Applications. To apply for the Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service, please complete an application form (provided below) and mail to: ISLTBBS Illinois State Library Gwendolyn Brooks Building 300 S. 2nd St. Springfield, IL 62701-1796. Application Form; Application Form (Spanish) Institutional Application; Eligibility 2021-04-21 · How do I submit an application to the Maine State Library Talking Books program? Print an application off the Maine Talking Books website or download the application as PDF Mail your application back to: Maine State Library Outreach 64 SHS Augusta, ME 04333-0064 For questions: 1-800-762-7106 Kansas Talking Books provides personalized library support and materials in a specialized format to eligible Kansas residents to ensure that all may read.

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Talking Books is a program administered by the Library for the Blind and Physically Click here to find out if you are eligible and download the application online. This free service provides access to books and magazines in audio and Braille complete the application below and return it to the DC Talking Book and Braille  How can we help you?

Signature of applicant or guardian Please send this completed application and agreement to: Talking Book Program, PO Box 12927, Austin TX 78711-2927 books and/or magazines (please check one): I would like to access library materials . using an app on my mobile device (smartphone, tablet, Kindle, etc). Please note: The app provides immediate access to NLS materials. I would like to receive audio books and magazines on cartridge through the mail. Please loan me a free talking-book player Braille and Talking books; Apply for Services; Application for BTBL Service Before Applying. Please make sure you live in our Service Area and meet the Eligibility Requirements listed below. After BTBL has received your application, a staff member will call within 5 … Please submit your completed application by mail, fax, or scan/email Talking Book and Braille Library State Library of Oregon 250 Winter St NE, Salem, OR 97301 Toll Free (in state): 800-452-0292 Phone: 503-378-5389 Fax: 503-373-7439 Email: talkingbooks.info@slo.oregon.gov Web: TalkingBooks.Oregon.gov What book formats are you interested in?

There can be up to 8 books on each cartridge.. You can add, remove, or update your preferences at any time by contacting our helpful staff at 800-452-0292 or talkingbooks.info@slo.oregon.gov. The books will play one right after the other; just press the green Play/Stop button to advance to the next book when The Talking Books Program exists to meet the reading needs and interests of New Hampshire residents who are physically unable to see, handle or process printed material comfortably.